by Allison Andrews | Apr 27, 2023 | 5 Points Realty, lifestyle, Uncategorized
Multifamily projects are abundant across the Charlotte region… there isn’t a part of town without townhomes or apartments. Chances are there are more units in development or under construction somewhere in town right now. It’s a side effect of our growing city. These...
by Allison Andrews | Apr 14, 2022 | 5 Points Realty, lifestyle, Uncategorized
We are so excited about Spring this year. Charlotte neighborhoods are surrounded by flowering dogwoods, magnolias, tulips, and azaleas. And the gardens! Oh, the gardens! Our beautiful North Carolina is an embarrassment of gardens and fresh food delights. People are...
by Allison Andrews | Sep 23, 2021 | 5 Points Realty, Uncategorized
The summer garden season is winding down but that doesn’t mean your garden dreams have to come to an end. September is a good time to set out landscape plants. Chrysanthemum plants and pansies are also good to plant. Remove all the weeds from your current garden but...
by Allison Andrews | Jul 8, 2021 | 5 Points Realty, Home maintenance, Uncategorized
What began as a pandemic hobby for many people has turned into a full-fledged trend and Charlotte neighborhoods are reaping the benefits. There is something grounding and a bit magical about gardening and the discipline and process that goes along with it. Seasoned...