Around 40 million Americans move each year. If you are one of these, and you’re stepping out of your comfort zone and leaving the state, you might be nervous, excited, and unsure of your decision all at the same time. But don’t despair, because soon, this strange new land will be home. Here are a few ways to prepare for the process and to settle in once you arrive.

Know the nuances

No matter where you move, there will be subtle differences in the way your new hometown operates compared to your old one. This might be how schools zone students, common speed limits, or differences when it comes to leash laws. In Charlotte, for example, if you have an animal that’s considered dangerous, you’ll be required to add security or privacy fencing and purchase additional liability insurance. This may be different from where you currently live, so it’s a good idea to know what you’re facing, especially if you’re moving with pets.

One major item people often fail to consider is their car insurance. Because each state has specific rules and regulations, it will likely be necessary to change insurance policies. If you have been with your current company for a while, this can be unsettling. Thankfully, there are many resources online that can help you learn about car insurance specific to your new home state. Before you move, spend some time looking at different the coverage options available, and get a few quotes so you know you aren’t overspending.

Getting unpacked

While the movers will do the heavy lifting, it’s up to you to empty the boxes. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to ensure that your unpacking endeavors go smoothly. This starts, according to, with unpacking the kids’ bedrooms first. Ideally, you’ll have created a checklist of essentials for your first night in your new home. This should include things like personal toiletries and prescription medications. Once the kids’ rooms are ready and your essentials are unpacked, you can focus on the bedrooms, kitchen, and living room. The guest rooms and garage can wait.

As you get your home set up, start paying attention to how everything looks. Sometimes, that couch you’ve loved for the last three years simply may not work in new surroundings. These tips from My Truck Buddy Moving can help you decorate your new house in a way that makes it a cozy and comfortable place for your entire family.

Explore on your terms

Now that you’ve taken care of the practical aspect of moving, it’s time to get to know the neighborhood. If you have a dog, plan on taking them for a walk so that they can meet and greet the other animals of the neighborhood. Even if they don’t come face-to-face, this will give your pup a chance to experience the sights, sounds, and scents of his new domain. You can broaden your neighborhood exploration by taking a trip to your local visitor center, coffee shop, or library. As you travel back and forth from your home to these places, keep an eye out for parks and other recreation centers that might be of interest.

Don’t be discouraged if you don’t feel at home by the end of the week. Remember, moving is a stressful event, and it can take some time for your emotions to settle down so that you can settle in. Be patient with your family, and remember that young children may have difficulty sleeping throughout the first few weeks. It takes time, but you and your family can get through it together, and the memories you create as you transition into your new life will make your once-empty house a home full of love.



(Image via Pixabay)