“April showers bring May flowers.” True, but in Charlotte, they also bring down a lot of trees.
Charlotte is known as the City of Trees. The beautiful tree canopy is part of the picturesque nature of neighborhoods like Myers Park and Elizabeth. In fact, many streets around town are known for their tree-lined landscapes that making walking or driving them a real pleasure.
Charlotte takes its trees seriously
The trees are so important the City has tasked an entire department with maintaining public trees. Charlotte’s Landscape Management division houses the city arborist’s staff. That team oversees the planting and maintenance of most street trees within the city limits.
In fact, the city even has a Tree Ordinance. Chapter 21 of the City Code is titled “Trees.” It protects public trees within the street right of way in Charlotte. It also protects certain private trees on commercial sites, multifamily sites and single-family developments. It also requires trees to be planted on most of these sites.
Charlotte maintains some 150,000 street trees across the city. But age is catching up to many of them both public and private, leaving some prone to falling, rot or disease.
Protecting the trees
Pruning is one of the many ways homeowners can protect the trees on your own property. Pruning is usually easier in the winter when it is easier to see the correct branches to cut. It is a good idea to consult an International Society of Arboriculture (ISA)-certified arborist who is familiar with the Tree Ordinance before cutting any trees.
If you aren’t sure whether pruning is needed, you can request a tree health/condition assessment of trees on your own property with this form.
The North Carolina Urban Forest Council has a great guide that provides tips on caring for your trees and keeping them healthy. The local organization Trees Charlotte has made it easy for you to get. Download or print the manual.
Planting trees
Trees Charlotte is one of several organizations that work to ensure the trees remain a staple of the city’s beauty even with all of the robust growth and development in the region. Many of these groups welcome volunteers to the cause.
If you want to add to Charlotte’s tree canopy on your own property… Consider planting a tree on your own. As you might imagine, there are certain trees that work better than others in the Charlotte climate. Not sure where to start? Here’s a little help choosing and incorporating trees in your landscape.
Now, if you are interested in having the city plant a tree on your street, contact Landscape Management to start the process and inquire about eligibility.
Report Tree Problems
If you see a downed tree, or limb or if a tree or part of a tree has fallen and is obstructing or completely blocking a street CALL 911 immediately.
Of course, if you just want to enjoy the trees from the deck of a home in one of Charlotte’s prettiest tree-lined hoods then give us a call, we’ll show you some good options to consider!