This latest episode of Before During and After, our series focusing on real estate and design, 5 Points style, features a fearless creative couple that are no strangers to renovating.  Leah and Shane have a fantastic eye for design and a nose for good real estate investments that lead them to us at 5 Points Realty.  

Leah found her buyer’s agent Casse Cunningham by reading Cassee’s bio on the 5 Points Realty website.  Cassee’s real estate philosophy drew Leah in. 

 “Live within biking or walking distance to a great cup of coffee and a cold brew”  

Those beautiful, magical words spoke to Leah and her boyfriend Shane (not pictured), doggie Zuko and Kitty Spider.

It gave them confidence that Cassee would understand their creative vibe and style. Additionally, Cassee’s expertise in renovating herself would help them locate a home that may need some love but has potential. Finally, 5 Points agents have a good reputation for finding a property that has an upside value-wise further solidifying their choice for an agent.

Here’s a little backstory on Leah and Shane. The couple had been living in Nashville TN.  They had loved living there. They had found a funky house, and renovated it. When they shifted their gaze to move to Charlotte, NC, it was time to sell.  They suspected that Charlotte had some properties they could get excited about and were looking forward to another renovation. Charlotte would not disappoint. It’s no secret Charlotte is a very strong place to invest.

Leah comes by her gift of sniffing out real estate investments honestly.  Her Dad Sam has taught her well, although Leah definitely puts her next-generation spin on things. It’s a combination that works.  In fact, Leah and her Dad Sam have become quasi-business partners (but they wouldn’t admit to it). Leah handles the finding and designing part of the process and Sam invests sweat equity when he’s in town.  He might question at first then warms up to Leah’s ideas after he sees the result is way better than he might have imagined.  They’ve got a good groove going.

So Leah and Cassee went shopping for the Charlotte project house.  This type of shopping is right up Cassee’s alley and she and Leah really quickly found a great house in the Windsor Park neighborhood. 

Charlotte’s inventory is low but this house wasn’t getting noticed by other buyers. Unlike many properties in Charlotte these days which often sell in just a few weeks,  this home had been on the market for over 134 days.  

Leah and Cassee thought that sounded like an opportunity. They pulled up to the curb and there was an instant attraction. They walked through the front door and they both just knew. 

Cue the angels singing, or the applause, whichever you prefer. With a mid-century silhouette, over 1700 sq/ft, 4 bedrooms, and 2 full baths there was room to play with this one.  Leah had plenty of ideas. Leah and Shane bought the house before any other buyer realized what a treasure they had been missing. 

Leah hasn’t wasted any time on her project and we can’t wait to see what the finished product is going to be.   Stay tuned as we follow Leah, Shane, Zuko, Spider, and the newest addition puppy Chief as they start their house transformation.